Your Daily Self Care Checklist to Feel Great Today

Do you sometimes wonder how it would be to feel good every day? You could be happier, more productive, and live up to your full potential. Or maybe you’re just in need of a bit of well-deserved self-love or R&R.

I’ve got you! I’m a well-being expert and by the end of this article, you’ll know exactly what to do to feel great today with this daily self-care checklist!

Whether you’re looking for self-care day ideas or just want a quick self-care routine checklist, you’ll enjoy these ideas! 

Table of Contents

    What is self-care? Why prioritize it?


    When you feel good in your body and in your mind, it is easier to manage whatever life throws at you with confidence! Self-care looks different for everyone, so there is no absolute extreme self-care checklist that works for everyone.

    This means there are as many types of self-care as there are self-nurturing activities! Having the right self-care strategies is important to navigate all this and really helps you recover and find more energy.

    📍 Define your self-care goals

    Take into consideration what you enjoy doing, your current habits and how much time you want to spend.

    The right way to create a habit is to make it:

    • Easy: Don’t try doing too much at the same time, you want to be consistent

    • Satisfying: You want to enjoy doing it, self-care is not a chore

    • Obvious: It shouldn’t be too complicated, or you’ll skip it!

    • Attractive: You need to want to do it and be motivated! So maybe create a ritual, do it with someone, or find a way to remind yourself of how good you’ll feel after doing it

    Obviously, the self-care techniques mentioned below only work if you actually do them regularly 🙃


    📝 What to include in your self-care routine checklist

    This list of self-care activities will help you pick and choose what you need! Of course, you can’t and don’t need to do everything!

    Emotional self-care checklist

    Here are a few emotional self-care activities you can do:

    Mindfulness: I teach mindfulness and love it to improve my emotional well-being. You can click here to learn a meditation technique or click here to learn how to bring mindfulness into your daily life.

    Connecting with others: We need human connection and love to feel good. You can do group self-care activities like meditating with a friend or just reach out to someone. 

    Time for yourself: We all need alone time, I personally am a fan of a very fun self-care activity called “no one speaks to me for an hour!” 🙃

    Disconnecting: from your electronics and your to-do list, it’s time to close yourself from the outside world! Click here to read this digital detox plan next.

    Mental health self-care checklist

    Managing stress: There are many ways to do it, one I like particularly is breathwork!

    Setting boundaries: Know your limits! Boundaries can be physical, mental, emotional… Just tuning into your feelings while spending time with people will help you do that.

    Learning new things and keeping your mind active: When was the last time you learned something new? It can be anything like a new recipe, trying a new workout, or working on that side hustle!

    Personal development: Maximize your happiness and realize your potential by understanding yourself better and setting goals accordingly. You can start with these journaling prompts for self-discovery or use self-care affirmations (here)

    Having fun and relaxing: Yes, chilling and enjoying life IS self-care. So have fun with your loved ones, relax in your PJs or sleep in!

    Physical self-care checklist

    Here are a few things to do for self-care to feel good in your body:

    Sleep: When we are sleep-deprived, we can’t manage our feelings, and we make worse decisions. Try a night-time routine to sleep better.

    Health: If you don’t remember when your last doctors’ check-up was, make an appointment now!

    Good food: Eating to nourish your body but also to feed you on a deeper level: eat nourishing and tasty food while making your meals enjoyable!

    Drinking water: Such an easy way to feel good! Make sure you bring your reusable water bottle with you.

    Movement: Our bodies were meant to move, so go for a walk or try a new class!

    Physical touch: hugs or petting your animal just feel good 🤗

    Going outside or connecting with nature: nothing better than taking a stroll, opening the windows to let in some fresh air, or being a plant parent 🌱

    Other ways of taking care of your body: like self-massage, taking a bath, having a skincare routine, or just brushing your teeth (and that’s already so much on some days!)

    Here are a few strategies to practice self-care every day:

    • Prioritize self-care at home: have a morning routine that you enjoy, share household tasks consciously, get help, or don’t take on too much.

    • Sneak in some self-care at work: Take breaks (it will help you be more productive), set boundaries, have a good posture (seriously!), and a good set up.

    • Have a dedicated self-care night: alone or with loved ones, assess your needs, and spend an evening taking care of them. You deserve it! ✨

    If you’re interested in self-care after burnout, and how to recover using yoga, you should read this article next!

    Save or pin this self-care worksheet:


    Your 30-day self-care challenge:

    My advice is not to wait to feel bad to take care of yourself, but instead, make it a habit. 

    So here is my challenge for you: 

    • Write everything you already do to take care of yourself (and be proud of it!)

    • Read this article again to assess in which areas you need more self-care

    • Create a self-care calendar where you schedule a few of the practices that you enjoyed

    • Commit to doing them and create accountability by telling a friend if you can

    • After a month, reassess and see what worked for you or not!

    Final words

    I hope you enjoyed this article with quick self-care ideas to create a daily checklist. You now know a few simple strategies to keep feeling good and take care of yourself. Keep up the good work and remember to take consistent small steps in the right direction!


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